
Shopping - fast, convenient and easy

At Fumotec you can shop conveniently around the clock via the Internet - easily from home. Browse through our product categories and take a look at our range. If you are interested in a product, click on it for more information. To find products quickly and easily, you can use the "Search" input field.


Ideally, you can reach us by email at We will take care of your request immediately and process and respond as quickly as possible.

Alternatively you can reach us from Mon-Fri. 9-11 am by phone at 09356/9337114.

Technical questions please ask preferably by email because here the answer is usually together with a picture or pdf much easier.

We are looking forward to your message

Your Fumotec Team

Your shopping cart

On the product detail pages you will find an input field for the quantity and an "Add to shopping cart" button. First enter the desired quantity and then click "Add to cart" to save the product to your virtual "shopping list".

After that you can continue shopping, add more products to the shopping cart or edit your order.

From some products we carry different variants: Here you must first select the desired variant, for example, a specific size or color, before you add the product to the shopping cart.

Comfort is a top priority for us

With the link "Add to notepad" you can "note" products until your next visit without obligation, but cookies must be enabled for this. With the function "Show notepad" you can later call up the marked products again.

With the link "Recommend this product" you can send an e-mail to friends and acquaintances if you have found a product that could also interest them. For this purpose, our store opens your e-mail software and automatically creates a message containing a link that the recipient can click directly.

Edit the order

Click on the item "Show shopping cart" if you want to view your current order. You will now see an overview of the items that you have previously placed in the shopping cart. If you want to change the order quantity afterward, enter the new number in the "Order quantity" field and then click on the "Update totals" button. To completely delete a product from your order, click the delete icon next to the product. To access details about a product in your shopping cart, click on its name. When your order is complete, click the "Checkout" button.

Shipping methods and payment

In the next window you select the desired shipping method. If shipping costs are added, they will be displayed here. Mark the desired shipping method and click on "Next" to get to the payment methods. There you decide on a payment method and click again on the "Next" button.

Your address

Now a window will open in which you will see your personal data that you entered during your registration. If the data has changed, click on the link "Change your personal data" and adjust the information in the now opened dialog. If you want to specify a different delivery address, you can also do so in this form. In addition, you have the option here to insert a message to us. Once you have made all the entries, click on the "Next" button.


Afterward, the order summary opens, in which your order with all data is displayed again as an overview. Please check if all information is correct, if all items and their quantity are correct and if you have selected the desired shipping method and payment method. From this screen, you can also view our General Terms and Conditions - AGB for short - because you must agree to these before completing the order by checking the appropriate box. Then click on "Submit Order" to complete the order. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us shortly thereafter.

Written order

If you have chosen a written order procedure in the payment methods, you must open the order form in the "Order successful" window via the "Print your order" link and print it out via the "Print" function of your web browser, fill it in legibly and fax or send it to us.

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